Today is Friday 14th Nov 2008.. Esok is Kasih'z Birthday.. Anyway
Happy Birthday to you Semoga panjang umur and jangan kuat marah Hahahaa.. Anyway today aku, Kasihz and Sakinah got the chances ke DST Karnival di Tungku Link. Kami betolak dari tutong at 3.15 then aga Sakinah lagi..

Sampai di DST at 4 plus.. Ramai sudah orang beduyun-duyun ke sana.. The weather was good, nda jua panas nda jua mendung.. Its good for outdoor activities lah katakan..I parked my car near DST atu jua, malas kan parking di UBD.. Jauh.....

Finally masa jln kaki dari parking atu ada bas menyinggahi kami.. Bisai jua nda payah naik bukit lagi. c-Kasihz lagi memakai selipar tumit tinggi.. Hahaaa....

Sampai sana there were lots of booth.. Ada Kristal FM booth, Kristal Astro, Simpur and lots more...

Oh this is the big card board dj-dj KFM and the most attractive me is Jenny punya card board.. Heehee... (Jennyyyyy juaaaaa........)

The host on stage tadi was Jenny Malai Ali (Jennyyyyy lagiii.....) Heheeee.. Sanak lagi c-Kasihz nieee...

As i told u tadi cuacanya baik sekali for outdoors activities.. Sana ada flyingfox <--lurus ka? Mula-mula rasakan main tapi takut jua rasanya, aku lgi gayat..Hahaaa..

There were lots of foods stall macam Ahad Burger, Jolibee, Ideal, Mulaut Abbatoir and many many more...

Today i want to try the EGG CHICKEN CHEESE Burger.... Not bad tho'....

Lots of peoples dont know siapa Auntie May is.. She is Rachael Malai Ali... She performed on stage with Keejah of Kristal FM.. Some of you miss the show, Keejah shake her bum Hahaaa......

One more time Jenny on stage mc for the whole show... (Jennyyyyyyyy lagiiiii)

Dj Dean was there too, so we took the chance to begambar sama ia...

Kasihz and Sakinah did it too..... Booooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At first aku kan audition for the Kristal FM DJ.. Finally i changed my mind, the task atu payah because im not ready with the information of the carnival Hahaaa... c-Kasihz rugi eh nda mau audition, malu-malu kucing konon....

I wait this dari awal tadi sudah. I already plan on my mind to take pictures with my idol berabis ani...

She is Jenny Malai Ali.................

The stage performance stop at about nearly 6pm.. So we decided to stay arah gerai sana and we try the LAMB SHANK from Mulaut Abbatoir...

Lepas ani grenti naik darah nie. High blood pressure.. Hahaa....

Bulihh sempat lagi mengumpat tu...

This is the GO BROADBAND drink, actually air biasa saja nie but botolnya saja lawa Hahaaa....

We stay di sana until night, rasa bah kan meliat Paula Malai Ali...

This pictures taken masa pertengahan show Jenny woth ESPN host.. Awal tadi kami di dlm DST Hq.. Kambang-kambang ke booth bank as Standard Charted and Baiduri. I apply for the Baiduri FAST, kena bagi free phone strap Hahaa..... Cute......

Seee... Finally i met her...

See.. She is in front of me ... Kasihz, jangan stress.... Relax yo.....

Once again i got the chances to met my Jenny.. Kasihz, once again relax ah Hahahahahaaaaaaa........At the end of the show Reza of Akademi Fantasia appeared at the KFM booth.. He was interviewed by Yante and Keejah..

We off from DST at 8.45pm.. Sooooo tireddd .... Enjoyable... Fun.. Took LOADSSSSSSSSS of picures.. My camera heavy and im tired bringing it.. Hahaa....
Thats all the coverage i got for you peeps... Will do more esuk insyaAllah.. See ya'.. and have a very nice weekend...