Last night masa class, Gina telefon aku. Its about banjir di kawasan rumah durang sudah sampai paras pinggang. I cant imagine how's their life... This afternoon lepas kelas English i rush to Keriam pasal Normas ada msn tadi siang telling me about banjir di kawasan durang. I only managed stop sampai restoran Tanda Kasih saja pasal jara' ku sudah.. Nda ku mau kereta ku rusak mcm ariatu.. Its ok Normas, sampai sudah hajat mu Mas menyuruh cover di Keriam. I dont wanna go further more..
Another land slide di Tanah Buruk Penanjong, its the latest slide after last week disaster which happened 1st Feb last week. The Tutong police department have to closed down the road toward Penanjong. So you guys have to use jalan dari Tutong Kem gate belakang nya..

Another slide di jalan laluan Panchor Papan. Take extra caution when passing-by this area. Takut tanah sini susur lagi.

Aku sampai sini around 4pm. I parked my car tempat tinggi sedikit and managed to take lots of pictures + interview few peoples. Oh FYI, ani kawasan Lubuk Pulau.

Residents get themselves inflatable boat.. main pump saja.. Siukk usulnya but nda ku berani naik, krg tenggalam ulih ku Hahahaaa....Badan ku ani nda jua seberapa..

I tried not to get myself wet tadi. I stand at the high ground to get few shoot.

Picture above is kawasan banjir di rumah Gina..I used another road dari Tanjong Maya. I can't imagine air separas pinggang klw jalan ke ujung lagi, kacutt tuuuuu.. How on earth they could stay this high tide. The residents facing a hard times these days. Yet, dont go further, krg rusak kreta, nda calii tu macam last week..

Sekolah Lubuk Pulau pun tekana jua..I think the school is operate macam biasa pasal nda semua kawasannya tekana..

I managed to go to Tanjong Maya.. Its a bad flood around there. Its my first time watching the flood. Long lens is very useful this time.. You could reach some far areas which some lens cant focus more..

Where's their parent? Napa nda dilarang anak-anak ani swimming arah banjir? I was informed di Tanjong Maya ani sungainya ada buaya.. Durang nda membaca newspaper kah pasal ada org tua kena gigit buaya? Jauhhhhhh palissssss......

Bravo to Army Force... Good job.. Simpati and takziah to all of the flood victim di Tutong.
P/S : For more information of the latest weather report click