Actually I have no idea what’s the battle is all about, siapa organised, siapa guest event and so on. So lepas duty tv tadi I decide to go there tarus and I saw this local youth show their talents, kehandalan, kepandaian and everything on skateboard sama inline skate which attract me to captured pictures of their action.

I was honoured that Zairy Ibrahim, the owner of Uneek Skate Shop in Kiulap briefed me on the competition hari ani and to Maly thanks for the briefing tadi jua bro. I was learned that competition ani sudah kena adakan sekali last year but lupa ku di mana ah and di kawasan lagoon Pandan today is the second time. The competition kali ani received an overwhelming responds from the youth di KB itself, Tutong as well as BSB except Temburong. And surprise to know that peoples dari Sibu, Miri and Bintulu was there tadi, I heard during cakap Malaysia tadi Hahahaaa….

Its happy to see our local youth nowadays tau sudah on how to spend their weekends and I believe that the competition tadi was one of the initiative by Uneek Skate Shop to gathered all pemain-pemain inline skate as well as skateboard to get together and mingled around.