Hello everyone, it’s the first month of the year and masa 21st January until 24th January 2010 I have a fun, exciting, fabulouscattt and amazing vacation ever… Hahahaa… Most of my friends asking me this frequent question, “Di mana hotel kamu tinggal Ril”.. Hahaaa.. Bah let straight to the point.

The first night 21st January we stayed di One City Hotel. Ani c-Duan yang punya suggestion so we just agree macam biasa lah. It’s located di Jalan Segama, sebelah bangunan Wisma Sabah and about 15 minutes jalan kaki dari Centrepoint and around 5 minutes jalan kaki ke Philippines Market. Walaupun few minutes but aku rasa kaki ku kan tanggal pasal tooo muchhhh bejalan kaki here.

As usual as a tradition, every hotel we stay mesti ada acara lompat-lompat just to make sure katil atu kuat and taguhhh, please don’t get me wrong Hahahaaa…

To those of you yang kelaparan waktu t/malam, you guys can always turun ke bawah and ada Burger King sama KFC, Brunei’s favourite only food outlet Hahahaaa!!!

Ok, the second night we stayed di Tune Hotel, located di One Borneo building saja, its my first time stay sini. The access to the room terpaksa pakai card and if you left your card in the room, entah I have no idea cemana.

This is the entrance of Tune Hotel sebelum masuk ke bilik-bilik durang. But mesti ada card. No card no talk, eh salah, No card no masuk...

Kan kan kan, i told you. No card no masuk..

I love the wall colour sepanjang menuju ke bilik-bilik hotel nya, its all REDDD!!!!!

Our room number is 114 and the room complete dengan one queen size bed and ofcourse toilet. Sorry to say the toilet door nada bekunci so make sure jangan telanjang masa mandi, takut pintunya tiba-tiba kena buka kalau sebilik dengan orang yang “gila” Hahaaa.. More worst kalau bisdurang ambil video cam or snap the picture u naked Hahahaaa… The room is very clean BUT NO AIRCOND. So we decided beli top-up untuk aircond 12jam for RM7.90 saja.

One queen size bed...
Ada selimut...
Ada safety box....
Ada tv tapiii bayar dulu...
Ada aircond tapiii bayar dulu top-up nya, murahhh saja...
Ada pengantung pakaian....
NO WINDOWWWW, lamasss nie...
Ada cermin besarrr, boleh practice menarii or catwalk..
Ada toilet, very clean tapiii nda bekunci...
What elsee.....

If you want tv channel mesti bayar jua, if im not mistaken around RM5.90. Ahhh I don’t care with the tv as long as aircond untuk tidur. Keep in mind, nada ice-box dalam ani, only ada safety box (apaaa ada safety box), nasib jua semalam saja.

And malam terakhirnya, we stayed di Grand Borneo Hotel, also located di One Borneo jua, sebelah dengan Tune Hotel jua. This is my second time stay di sini and I loveeeeee the environment…. Aircond nya sajukkkkkkkkkkk sekali, ada ice box, ada tv, katilll nya nyaman (as usual mesti ada acara lompat-lompat jua)…