Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SWENSENS Night With A Twist..

Tonight me, Kasihz and Elyza went to Swensens di Mall Gadong.. Its been a long long time aku craving ice-cream nya ani Hahahaa.. Kami ke sana around 7+ tadi lepas kami dinner di Hot Spot..
It's my Banana Splitttzzzzzzzz..........

At the end of the night, we enjoy our Swensens ice-cream.. Hahahaa....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My new photoshot bersama www.eebobsajee.blogspot.com

To you Bob, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Victoria Secret Appletini Body Mist, simply my choice....

It's Friday and as usual for me it's time for going-out and take a look around to see what's new around Brunei. Well.. Baru ku ingat, few days ago i went out sama Kasihz and Elyza for dinner. Masa atu ia keluarkan The VS Beauty Rush Appletini the small bottle. Aku tarus lah ancitt sekajap and the bau totally my all-time favourite, bau Apple hijau.. So i terus catit the name of the VS product and im thinking to go to Shop at Sarah weekend ani.. Finally i went there tadi with my friend.. And im looking for that VS yang nyaman hantap bau nya atu..
Shop At Sarah located di first floor of the Kiulap Mall, dekat dengan tangga escalator. Kadainya lawa.. Once masuk ke dalam kedai ani tarus tecium bau product Victoria Secret.. I took a little time dalam atu tadi and cium apa-apa yang nyaman baunya but finally i only managed to get the Appletini. Im planning to have the shampoo end of this month Hahahahaa... Aku peminat bau Victoria Secret sudah Hahahahaa....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Festival Amal Produk Mukim Kampung Daerah Belait.

Hiii peeps.. Let me share with you apa ada di Belait this weekend.. Masa kelmarin start Festival Amal Daerah Belait and kelmarin jua start Pesta Pameran Jualan Produk Mukim Kampung. As usual im the mc for the opening ceremony, sibukkk pagi atu and the weather freakin' hot jua..
Pesta kali ani kena adakan di Taman Persiaran Jln Sungai KB, soo kira OK lah kalau ada event sini. Hehehee... You guys enjoy the pictures sini ah..

Oh this is SUMPIT.. Hilarious.. Aku nda pandai memakaii sumpit LOL!!!
Pacahhhh katawa ku.....

The thing i hold is Soft Shell Crab.. One of the product org kampung di KB ani jua. Aku sempat merasa cucur soft shell crab.. Nyaman!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway.. Atu saja kali dulu lah updates Hahaha.. See ya' peeps... Selamat ber-weekend everyoneee....

Friday, April 9, 2010

TOKOYAKI.. My all-time favourite..

Hello everyone, lama rasaku nda meng-update blog ani.. Entah seminggu labih pun ada sudah. Well ptg ani nasib jua ada masa untuk cruisn di BSB sama jalan-jalan. Entah cemana tiba-tiba rasa kan ke Mall, ngam jua tadi ada Kuching Fair di Mall Gadong..
Masa on the way jalan-jalan atu, we went at the basement of The Mall pasal tais liur mahu makan Tokoyaki. Lama sudah parut ani nda merasa makanan atu.. Lama nda makan atu grenti kick rasanya. Well actually Tokoyaki ani is a makanan seafoods, isinya ada slice udang damit, crab stick and byk lagi. I have no idea apa panggilnya nie ah.. Maybe macam cucur seafoods Hahahahaa!!!!
Bah i think atu saja kalii update yang ku ada. To Nini Boi, i miss you pasal kita nada di RTB KB lagi Hahahahaa... Nanti kita jumpa minum-minum...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Gambar baru ku MANTAPPP!!!! Hahahaa....

This is my new picture taken at one of the fitting room di Miri.. Hahahaaa... Mantap sama menggegar.. LOL.. Thats all for now..