Sunday, June 12, 2011
Toilet baru di Tutong Town
Saturday, June 11, 2011
1 Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival
Friday, June 10, 2011
KL GANGSTER, all thumbs-up.

Semalam saya berkesempatan lah menyaksikan movie KL GANGSTER, arahan Syamsul Yusof.. Kami meliat di panggung Kiulap Cineplex.. Mula-mula tu kan booking show pkl 7malam tapi last-last sold out, so ambil show yang 9malam saja, tu pun tinggal sikit saja..

Sebelum masuk dalam cinema pun long que, entah barangkali dua cinema diorang guna untuk movie KL GANGSTER.. What I can say, IT’S A DAMN AMAZING MOVIE, Movie Melayu yang paling best untuk tahun 2011 ni. Rasa nak tengok lagi sekali kan.. Hahahaa.. So far filem arahan Syamsul Yusof selama ini tidak pernah menghampakan, KL Drift, Kurafat, Bohsia, semua thumbs-up!!!

OK tak perlu cerita sini pasal jalan cerita movie ni. Mesti tengok dulu then baru tahu apa kesudahan movie ni.. Hopefully lepas ni ada sambungan KL GANGSTER II Heehee…
PS : Tak sabar tunggu Transformer 3.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Reptiles, Lizard, Turtles and Tortoise Exhibition at St James School.
Hello everyone..
This morning I went to the fair at St James School, its located infront of my office actually. Kita jalan kaki saja around 2mins cematu.. There was a huge crowd there, with lots of food stalls, garage sale and karaoke contest, Hahahahaaa!!!!
As usual this one attract my attention, the Reptiles Exhibition.. Hohohohooo… Well this is my first time went to the turtle and tortoise exhibition. Although it’s just only few local normal turtles and few tortoises but I get much information from the owner, her name is TANIA JO MURPHY (you can find her on Facebook)
She told me that she got like 40 turtles and tortoise at her place. Wow!!! That is way too many for a lady owner (I should say) Anyway, these are the pictures when I visited the exhibition today. I got a normal local turtle and three yellow-eared sliders too Heehehehehee…
Well, last but not least, the snakes show.. Reptiles fans in KB should know him then.. His name is EDDIE HM (yeah find him on Facebook too) .. But this time don’t bring much of his collection here.. Maybe the limited space wont let him to do so.